Monday, December 15, 2008

There’s a dead body in my mom’s attic

I can’t keep it to myself anymore, I have to turn her in - There’s a dead body in my mom’s attic.

I blame a bad week for what pushed her over the edge. Otherwise I don’t think the body would still be there.

It started when she came home to find her house had been broken into. On-top of that she was told that her car, which had been serviced – and by serviced I mean some scumbag “fixed” her car in a manner that made it need a whole lot more servicing - was going to need a repair job (by a reputable mechanic to fix the scumbags work) that would cost thousands.

My mom is a teacher and while she works in Connecticut, which pays its teachers a little better than other states, she is still a teacher, a job that gets lots of thanks; but not in a monetary manner.

So, she just had her house broken into, and was given a bill that was going to put a dent in the budget and that’s when it happened, that is when the body appeared in the attic.

She heard a noise - At first she thought that the burglar was back. Then she realized that it sounded like what our cat use to sound like, when he would run up and down and all around for no apparent reason. Her Sherlock Holmes deduction was, that from the sound of it, it was quite a bit bigger than a mouse– elementary dear Watson – seeing that mice usually don’t make much of a noise, with the exception of faint scratching. Friends of hers suggested a squirrel or a bat – A BAT! I do not want to see the bats these people have in their attics if they sound like a cat high on the nip.

Anyways, my mom starts to think back a few days and remembers that she had smelled a funny odor in the kitchen that smelled a little like cat pee, but not quite. She also had thought to herself that it seemed to come more from "up" than "down", but couldn't exactly tell.

She said she had searched for days and couldn't figure it out, and started to think that maybe the "robber" also pissed on her kitchen rug, just to be mean, but figured that was probably unlikely. Yeah because people who break in to other peoples homes are nice and wouldn’t do something like that.

So that brings us to the noise – which, did she go and investigate, to see what type of damage this crazy animal has done to the uncountable boxes of the mementos of my and my brothers childhood that my mother just had to keep? Of course not.

The next morning, she started to notice not just a pee smell, but now a REALLY disgusting smell. Again back to her Sherlock Holmes like observations, she has deducted that whatever was up there had gotten trapped, went crazy, ran around in a fit of deathly panic and died. Since it was in the attic, in August, it also began to decay rapidly.

When I asked her if she has now gone up to the attic to see if this is what really happened she said “if I start to see yucky stains showing on my ceiling, I'll know I'm correct.”

So there you have it, my mom has a dead body in her attic and she doesn’t seem to really mind too much.

Until next time…

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